HSC Rescue

New South Wales

The 2021 HSC Rescue Team are delighted to launch the HSC Rescue Instagram Page and 2021 HSC Rescue Pack to help HSC students prepare for exams in November 2021. The HSC Rescue Pack has a heap of helpful and supportive information, links and videos to help you stay grounded during study, keep things real, and […]


Tune in to Resilience: Mental Health Month 2021 Online Workshop

Online United Kingdom

This free workshop is organised as part of Mental Health Month. The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is 'Tune In'. Tuning In means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the world around you. Tune In to your senses and take a moment to help still and focus your mind, as […]


Site Connect, Supporting Mental Wellbeing: Mates in Construction

Online United Kingdom

MATES NSW Site Connect is a meeting place for workers of the Sydney construction industry whom have been affected by covid19. Join this online session, facilitated by two MATES field officers, to talk about concerns and challenges, and to learn some tips to support your mental health and wellbeing. MATES is an industry-backed, research-based suicide […]


Supporting Someone who is Suicidal: Mental Health Month 2021 Online Seminar and Q&A


This is a pre-recorded session hosted in real time by a mental health clinician from South East Sydney Local Health District and a peer support worker with lived experience of suicidal distress. The session was recorded for the Be Kind to Your Mind Series for Mental Health Month in October 2020 by Georges River Council in NSW. Streamed […]


Tune in to Art: Mental Health Month 2021 Online Workshop


This workshop will focus on art expression with mark making. Experiment with different ways and different materials to make marks on paper drawing inspiration from each other. This is a free online event for anyone with who would like to take time out of their day and explore their creativity in a warm and safe environment […]


Tune in to Mindfulness


This free workshop is organised as part of Mental Health Month. The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is 'Tune In'. Tuning in means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the world around you. Tune In to your senses and take a moment to help still and focus your […]


Tune in to Yoga

New South Wales

This free workshop is organised as part of Mental Health Month. The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is 'Tune In'. Tuning In means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the world around you. Tune In to your senses and take a moment to help still and focus your […]


Site Connect, Supporting Mental Wellbeing: Mates in Construction


MATES NSW Site Connect is a meeting place for workers of the Sydney construction industry whom have been affected by covid19. Join us  online to talk about concerns and challenges, and to learn some tips to support your mental health and wellbeing. MATES is an industry-backed, research-based suicide prevention and support program for people working […]


Turn On, Tune in, Word Out Poetry Slam: Mental Health Month 2021 Online Workshop

New South Wales

This free workshop is organised as part of Mental Health Month. The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is 'Tune In'. Tuning in means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the world around you. Tune In to your senses and take a moment to help still and focus your […]


Beating the Covid Blues: Mental Health Month 2021 Online Workshop

New South Wales

This free workshop is organised as part of Mental Health Month. The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is 'Tune In'. Tuning in means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the world around you. Tune In to your senses and take a moment to help still and focus your […]


Site Connect, Supporting Mental Wellbeing: Mates in Construction


MATES NSW Site Connect is a meeting place for workers of the Sydney construction industry whom have been affected by covid19. Join us to talk about concerns and challenges, and to learn some tips to support your mental health and wellbeing. MATES is an industry-backed, research-based suicide prevention and support program for people working in […]


Tune in to Hope: Mental Health Month 2021 Online Workshop

New South Wales

This free workshop is organised as part of Mental Health Month. The theme for this year's Mental Health Month is 'Tune In'. Tuning in means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the world around you. Tuning In means being present, being aware of what's happening within you and in the […]
